Online Order Support Form
Are you having trouble completing an order on our website? Please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible and we will get back to you ASAP! Important things to include in your message are:
- Your name and the email address you are using to log in (if there are login problems)
- The items that are currently in your cart
- The coupon code or promo you are trying to use (if applicable)
- (** If you are getting an error related to an online coupon or other discount, please verify that the items in your cart are not excluded from the promotion first. )
- Any specific error message you are receiving or, if no error message, the action you are taking and the result you are getting that is not expected.
(Note: you may also call the winery at 607-582-6450 and leave a message for support, but email is typically faster forĀ a website technical support question.)