Below are some frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer to your question(s) below, please feel free to contact us!
What hours/days are you open?
Hours for the Wagner Vineyards Estate Winery can be found on our hours page. Wagner Valley Brewing Co hours are the same as Wagner Vineyards Estate Winery as they share a building.
Hours for The Ginny Lee Cafe can be found on the hours and directions page for the Ginny Lee Cafe website.
What are your GPS coordinates?
Are there places to stay near Wagner Vineyards?
Are there places near the winery to eat?
In addition to the Ginny Lee Cafe at Wagner Vineyards, there are a number of fine restaurants in the area. Please be aware that many restaurants are only open seasonally so be sure to phone or check websites for hours and specifics before stopping in. Listings for local area services can be found at the Seneca County Chamber of Commerce website or the Schuyler County Chamber of Commerce website.
Are there docking facilities on Seneca Lake near Wagner Vineyards?
How much does it cost to ship wine?
Wine shipping rates depend on the amount shipped and the destination – keep in mind: wine is heavy and requires an adult signature at time of delivery and shipping costs reflect this. The checkout will show applicable shipping rates when products are added to the cart. We do offer discounted flat rates in certain quantities in multiples of 6 or 12. See Shipping & Return policy page for more detail.